The IAEA Database on Discharges of Radionuclides
to the Atmosphere and the Aquatic Environment
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) database on Discharges of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere and the Aquatic Environment (DIRATA) contains information on the discharges of radionuclides into the environment from nuclear facilities around the world, to help regulatory bodies and nuclear operators exchange data and track trends.
DIRATA supports transparent reporting on the very low amounts of radionuclides that are discharged during normal operation of nuclear facilities and activities, which are monitored by the industry and authorized and verified by national regulators. Data are provided voluntarily by Member States on an annual basis and are available to the public. DIRATA includes the historical discharge records collected by UNSCEAR, the European Commission, and other international and national organizations. The post-2022 discharge information for European Union countries in DIRATA is taken from the European Commission RAdioactive Discharges Database (EC RADD). The cooperation between the IAEA and the EC will avoid duplicate work and ensure consistency in reported data.
DIRATA supports transparent reporting on the very low amounts of radionuclides that are discharged during normal operation of nuclear facilities and activities, which are monitored by the industry and authorized and verified by national regulators. Data are provided voluntarily by Member States on an annual basis and are available to the public. DIRATA includes the historical discharge records collected by UNSCEAR, the European Commission, and other international and national organizations. The post-2022 discharge information for European Union countries in DIRATA is taken from the European Commission RAdioactive Discharges Database (EC RADD). The cooperation between the IAEA and the EC will avoid duplicate work and ensure consistency in reported data.
DIRATA includes:
  • Total discharge amount over a specified period for each Member State and facility.
  • Interactive map of discharges (available to download in cvs format).
  • Annual records of discharges from nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities.

DIRATA also serves Member States as a technical means to contribute reporting within the framework of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management.

DIRATA is managed by:

IAEA Assessment and Management of Environmental Releases Unit | IAEA Waste and Environmental Safety Section | IAEA Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety | IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security.

The software implementation and technical support is conducted by the IAEA Division of Information Technology.

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